Sunday 22 November 2015


                      MANGO SHORTCAKE with MANGO BOURBON SAUCE 
                                     Recipe by: Francia Diesta 
                                                        Private Cook

   Ok this my version of Famous Strawberry Shortcake, Instead of strawberry I used mango  which its very plenty here in  my place (Philippines).This dessert is another temptation and you gonna love this ,because of this delicious sauce , this makes your shortcake, looking beautiful, better taste , that you will ask for more.  I love to experiment mixture , and if its not good I tossed it away when nobody is looking ,at me , OMG...... and if my mother is around in the kitchen,absolutely she will take over and \she will say, don't trow that away  I ll make something else for it, your wasting the food which is I can't concentrate , but i love her when she's around and the kitchen its our busy bonding moment.
Anyway this shortcake is very easy to handle to make , you just bake the biscuits which is it will only take a minute to make . Plus making the sauce is also easier , you just gonna need blender then  boom....this sauce will add extra twist with this delightful dessert. Ingredients are very easy to find , no especial thing , just buy a good quality of mango and I used my favorite Bourbon whisky which I added to my sauce , and if its not available then you can use , rum, brandy ,that will works too.
You can also serve this at afternoon tea, and also I recommend to pair  it with  black coffee.

Here is the Ingredients

 2 cups all purpose flour
 4 tsp baking powder
 3 tbsp sugar ( white)
1/4 tsp salt 
1/3 cup butter chilled cut into small pieces like cubes 
2 eggs lightly beaten 
1/2 cup sour cream or yogurt
 For Glazing : 1 egg + 1 tbsp milk
                      white sugar for sprinkle --combined all together .Set aside for later use.

 1.Combine all dry ingredients ,in a large bowl .Add the butter , using pastry blender work on it to mix in the butter into the flour .Add beaten eggs stirring while adding the sour cream too. Stir well for final touch. 
2.Bring the dough to a floured surface ,roll it into 1  inch thick . Using circular cookie cutter , cut dough.Put in the grease baking pan . Glazed with egg and milk, the sprinkle with sugar.
3.Bake for 20 to 25 minutes .Makes; 12 to 15 biscuits .


1 mango remove seed
2 tsp Bourbon whisky 
3 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp corn syrup
1 drop of yellow food coloring (optional for enhanced color if you prefer)


1. In a blender , put in all ingredients together , then pulse it with a medium speed until syrupy.
2.Put mango syrup in a nice bowl and put inside the freezer for later use , but don't let it frozen.


1 cup whip cream 
2 tsp sugar

Procedure,: Whip cream and sugar using electric mixer, with a high speed until foamy .
                    Set aside for later use .

FRESH MANGO ;Sliced it 1/4 inch diagonal.

 #First find a nice plate for this delicious cake .
1.Cut biscuits into half, place the half in the plate for the base , and the other half for the top later.

2. Place several sliced of mango in the biscuit.then followed by the cream .

3.Then top with the half of the biscuits .
4.Then, add more cream on top , and a couple of sliced mango. 
5.For the final touch , drizzled the sauce on top, garnish with , fresh mint leaves or basil.

#ellenvire #whipping cream my choice
1. Leftover biscuits can be stored put  inside a plastic ziplock bag then freeze  until 3 months.
2.Sauce can be freeze to for future use .